Mountaintops and Valleys
Dear Friends,
In life we all have mountaintop experiences and we all must walk through valleys. We certainly like the mountaintops better than valleys. Up there the air is clean, the sun is shining, and the view is amazing. But the truth is, the only way to reach the mountaintop is to travel through the valleys. It’s inevitable, there’s no way around it.
Jesus warned his disciples and ultimately us about these “life valleys” in John 16:33b (NIV) “… In this world you will have trouble.” Notice that Jesus said, “You WILL have…,” it’s not a matter of if; it’s a matter of when. Of course, when we look out at the horizon of where our life path might take us, it’s easy to see and look forward to the mountaintops. It’s the valleys that are dark, hidden and unanticipated. There’s no way to prepare or schedule for these valleys of trouble. How many of us are ever able to schedule a layoff or an automotive breakdown, a sickness or death of a loved one?
But be encouraged! Valleys are temporary; they do have an end. Furthermore, valleys have a purpose. God never wastes our pain. Jesus continued in John 16:33c (NIV) “… But take heart! I have overcome the world.” “The world” is used to designate all that is hostile, rebellious, and opposed to God in our human experience. This includes other people, societal, political and cultural ideologies as well as the rulers, authorities, powers of darkness and spiritual forces (Eph. 6:12) that affect and control earthly experience.
Jesus came to conquer and to overcome. He did just that! Just after saying those words, Jesus went to the cross, then He rose from the grave. He has been exalted at the right hand of the Father where He has sent His Holy Spirit down into us. The resurrected, overcoming, King of Kings and Lord of Lords dwells in us individually! His Spirit resides in you! So, no matter how dark the valley, no matter what might dwell in that darkness, we need not fear nor despair. David wrote in Psalm 23:4 (NIV) “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me…” David refused to be filled with fear in the dark valleys, because God was with him in a very real and personal way.
We are undefeatable! The overcoming, conquering King of all is living inside of us. He is with you! You belong to Him. He is your help. He is your strength. He is your joy. He is your peace. Lift up your eyes and look to Him. He is your hope. He is your victory. He is the one who has overcome and who will help you to overcome that valley you are facing. Jesus is with you! He never asks us to go through a valley alone.
One last thing, it has been my experience that once we go through those valleys, the mountaintops are even more stunning! They are sweeter, more awe inspiring and give us the courage to head down the other side toward another valley, because we know that God has even more and greater mountaintops in our future!
Only by Grace!
Pastor Mike