Life Groups
Call the Church Office to find a Life Group that best fits your needs!
Groups meet different days of the week and at different home locations. (912) 634-2833.
Community is something we all long for and need. Interacting in a small group setting, learning God’s Word together, asking questions, sharing real life stories is what our Life Groups provide.
❏ Babies – Pre-School
❏ Children (ages Pre-K through 5th grade)
❏ Youth (Middle School and High School)
❏ Young Adult
❏ Pathfinders (single, married, divorced – All are welcome!)
❏ Truth Seekers (Multi-generational co-ed class)
❏ Light Bearers (Multi-generational co-ed class)
❏ FaithBuilders (Multi-generational co-ed class)
❏ Joy (Ladies’ Class)