Incredible Contributions

Incredible Contributions

Dear Friends,

As I am sitting in my new office in our new building, I am reminded of all the work and sacrifice that so many of you contributed on behalf of the vision that the Lord gave.  To be honest, it would be impossible (and probably foolish) to try and name every contribution of time, talent and money that went into making this building, this campus, a reality.  I am, in many ways, humbled by the faith displayed to see this project through.  In truth, this is one of the things that initially impressed me about Frederica Baptist Church as a candidate for the pastoral opening.

There is still much to be done to fully complete our new home but those things are being worked out.  Rick Shelnutt has done an incredible job supervising the entire project.  There is simply no telling where we would be without his constant vigilance.  We owe him, as a body, an incredible debt of thanks and appreciation.  In fact, there are many members of the building team who have and continue to contribute mightily.  This building will be a lasting monument to their hard work and dedication.

The Furnishings Team has also done an amazing job picking out and placing new furniture and accents to integrate and complement our existing furnishings and to really make our public areas pop with a beautiful coastal feel.  I know that if I was the one making these décor decisions it would have probably looked like a warehouse!  Thank you for taking so much of your time to search for and select the right pieces and colors for our new home.  Believe me, I doubt anyone realizes the amount of time, effort and meetings it took to get everything just right.

I would also be remiss if I did not mention the Finance Committee for their amazing work of navigating the intricacies of loans and mortgages and sales and interest rates and so forth!  This group has had so many decisions to make it’s a wonder they’re still sane.  (One or two are still questionable but for the most part they all made it through…)  Remember, they didn’t just have the building and church budgets to deal with, they had to do it all while navigating the unprecedented challenges of an economy effected by a global pandemic!

Finally, let me toss a bone to my compatriots here on the church staff.  These guys (Paul, Cameron and Karen) have stepped up and met every challenge and difficulty thrown their way.  No complaints, no moans and groans, no looking for greener pastures!  I am so proud of each of them for the grace in which they have handled every adversity and how they have been willing to be flexible in thought and practice.  I truly feel that God has immeasurably blessed me with their comradery, friendship, wisdom and work ethic!

If I have not mentioned you in this very brief and incomplete list, please don’t feel slighted.  I know that there are very many unsung heroes who have contributed in both general and specific ways to our new home.  Whoever you are, you are greatly appreciated! 

Frederica Baptist Church, it is my honor and joy to be your pastor!

Only by Grace!

Pastor Mike 


