A Great Day!

A Great Day!

Dear Friends,

What an exciting time we had this past Easter Sunday!  The Sunrise service at the new building was amazing!  We had 112 people, many of whom were not from FrBC but had responded to advertisements and invitations to join us.  Our deacons did a great job cleaning up and getting the property safe and ready.  They also were excellent parking guides and greeters.  Several other men of the church helped as well for a combined effort that was special and meaningful.

Our 9:30am service was full as well with 121 people.  Again, many were guests!  The music was phenomenal and really lifted me up in worship.  Cameron led his first youth life group with 12 youth in attendance.  At 4pm several of us watched as he baptized a young man from his previous church at East Beach while Paul led us in singing amidst the crowds enjoying the sunshine.  All around, a great day!

I continue to be amazed at the speed with which the walls are going up on the new building.  There is still some inner framing that needs to be done in the youth and children’s area but now you can really see everything taking shape.  My understanding is that the roof trusses will begin arriving over the next few weeks.  Several of our charter members were obviously overwhelmed as we conducted our first worship service inside the walls of a building they have dreamed and prayed about for so many years.  If you have not been out to the Marsh’s Edge property lately, I encourage you to go take a look.  It will lift your heart!

Our home groups continue to meet and our attendance numbers are really standing strong.  It is my conviction that we must use this platform to reach out to and impact our neighborhoods.  This is first and foremost a kingdom effort.  Our desire must be to “seek and to save those who are lost” (Luke 19:10).  If we are faithful to God’s goal, He will be faithful to our goal of growing and strengthening our church both numerically and spiritually.  To do that we must divide and expand our current groups.  It is so very easy to get comfortable with the way things are.  However, the history of Frederica Baptist Church would demonstrate that when we step out of our comfort zones the Lord blesses in surprising ways!  If any of you are willing to facilitate your own home group, please let me know so I can help you get started.  You won’t be alone!

Kudos to our ladies who coordinate our Tree House program.  The faithfulness and creativity with which they continue to build this ministry is inspiring!  This is not only a vehicle for the gospel but it is a wonderful community building endeavor.  Whenever Amy and I deliver bags, goodies or materials to some of the kids, their parents are always overwhelming with their gratitude for what they and their children are receiving.  On Sunday, April 25 our Tree House kids will perform in our worship service.  We are hoping that their parents will join them as well.  Make sure you are there to support them and to greet our guests.

This Sunday, we will take another step in our return to normalizing our church services.  We will move to making masks optional for those who choose not to wear them.  Please don’t allow that to dissuade you from attending.  If you want the added protection of a mask, please wear one.  The number of Covid-19 cases in Glynn County continues to go down and more and more people are being vaccinated.  Hopefully we will not see a dramatic spike in cases after spring break.  After consulting with Church Council, it was decided that we could safely take this step.

Only by Grace!

Pastor Mike
